Sometimes to Deal With the Difficulty of Being Alive I Need to Believe There Is a Possibility That Life Is Not Real. Denny Dimin Gallery, NYC
A solo show of a video experience, a simulation, a game that plays itself, a database of games, an absurdist, sci-fi play, emails going to nowhere, conversation starters, meditations, secret lairs, fights, break-dancing, play on a network, play by yourself, don’t play at all and just watch, set it up in a gallery, set it up at a party..
Download the project on Steam HERE
HOTR Home Furnishing. Phillips, NYC
An animation commissioned by daata editions and Phillips
View video HERE
View low res version:
Self Portrait as a Dingus. The Bass Squared and daata editions, Miami, FL and online
A commission for an online show of digital art, Joyous Dystopia, with support from the Knight Foundation.
Low res version of the video:
An Infinite Objects Commission - released at the New Museum
Low res version of the video: